Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Football Player and the Millionaire: Deadly Love Triangle

In Defense of the Accused


As the months wore on, Johnston's façade began to crack: her fingernails weren't manicured, her bleached hair began to show its dark roots and the group of supporters who rabidly proclaimed her innocence stopped showing up to court.

At first, both defendants had a groundswell of support from friends who petitioned the judge in writing for leniency on bail.

Naposki's attorney wrote: "Eric is a personal trainer who is a key component in the development and success of many young people in the community."

Friend Jeffrey Gelfand wrote, "Eric is a gentle giant. I've overheard his warm goodnight phone calls to his children and watched him glow as he discusses his relationship with his fiancée."

And from Jamie Schwartz: "I would let him babysit for my two daughters ages 11 and 8 and would put my life into his hands without hesitation."

Johnston's attorney wrote: "The defendant is actively involved in her community by volunteering." The lawyer argued that Johnston needed to be released so she could "nurse her 5-month-old infant son. There is no indication that Ms. [Johnston] is a dangerously violent person who has the ability to act violently to anyone."

Friend Calee McManus wrote, "We share routines of the gym, picking up each others' kids, cooking meals together, sitting at the playground together, family events, and even some family vacations."

The bail motion was denied. Soon, even Johnston's husband had seen enough and filed for divorce. Naposki's fiancée continues to stand behind him.

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