Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Football Player and the Millionaire: Deadly Love Triangle

A Promising Lead


Three years went by before another piece of evidence would surface. In 1998, Suzanne Cogar called the Newport Beach Police Department to say she had information on McLaughlin's death. At that time, she lived in the same apartment complex as Naposki.

Apparently, the former athlete had confided to Cogar that "[Johnston's] live-in business partner had actually tried to force himself on her and had touched her, tried to get into her bed, and this made Mr. Naposki very angry.

"Mr. Naposki said that he wanted that man dead, and he knew that that man had a residence in Las Vegas, that he traveled there via his plane—that he flew to Las Vegas and back often and he wanted that plane to blow up or have somebody blow up the plane or something, quote, outrageous, end quote, is what he said," Cogar said, according to court files.

Naposki moved out of his apartment in December 1994, but a month later returned to ask Cogar whether police had contacted her. She asked him if he committed the murder; Naposki said, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," and grinned.

"Mr. Naposki had told her during that conversation that the gun that was used in the actual murder was the same type of gun that he had owned, but he had given his gun to a buddy because he wasn't going to be caught with a weapon that was used in the crime," District Attorney Investigator Larry Montgomery said.

Armed with this information, Cogar called police after Naposki's visit, but no detective was at the station, and she was told to call back. Cogar became frightened and did not call again until 1998 when she began getting hang-up telephone calls. She was worried that it may have been Naposki or someone related to the murder.

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