Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Joel Patrick Courtney


America's Most "Jailed man Charged with Murder" "Man Accused in Wilberger Case"

Men Who Rape The Psychology of the Offender by A. Nicholas Groth (Plenum Press, 1979)

The Register-Guard "Word of Disappearance Spread Around the Globe" 5/30/04

The Register-Guard "Hundreds Pray at Vigil" 6/1/04

The Register-Guard "Officials to Narrow Scope" 6/5/04

The Register-Guard 6/15/04

The Oregonian "Alibi Filed, Faulted on Wilberger" 6/25/04

The Register-Guard "Women Get a Leg Up on Attackers" 7/12/04

The Oregonian "Man Held in Panty Thefts" 9/23/04

Albuquerque Tribune "Man Jailed in Rape Case" 12/2/04

AP Online "A Man Once Considered A Suspect" 2/8/05

University Wire 2/18/05

KATU-TV "Sung Koo Kim Makes an Appearance" 2/25/05

KATU News "Documents Reveal Suspect" 8/2/05

The Register-Guard "Man Held in Student's Death" 8/3/05

KOIN-TV "New Mexico Man Accused" 8/3/05

The Register-Guard 8/04/05

The Oregonian "A Troubling Trail" 8/4/05

Beaverton Valley Times "Wilberger Suspect has Local Ties" 8/04/05

The New Mexican "Background checks on New Mexico Rape Suspect" 8/4/05

The Register-Guard "Traffic Ticket Key to Suspect's Arrest" 8/4/05

The Oregonian "Brooke Wilberger Case Timeline" 8/04/05

Media Release: Capt. Ron Noble, City of Corvallis 8/3/05

KATU-TV "Does Joel Courtney's DNA Link Him to Brooke?" 8/10/05

Rio Rancho Observer "RR Man Accused of Brutal Crimes" 9/9/05

OSU Daily Barometer "Only a Milestone" 9/9/05

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