Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Christopher Boyce & Andrew Daulton Lee


Born in 1940, White never knew her parents well.� Her mother deserted her when she was a baby. Her father was not around much.� She was raised in a large family by grandparents.� Having little use for school, she dropped out at age 14.� She then worked at a lumber mill and lived on her own.

Attractive with her blue eyes and soft dark hair, White had many suitors despite her tender age.� White grew up fast.� She was 14 when she married, was pregnant the following year, and was divorced shortly thereafter.� She married and divorced a second time, then decided her marrying days were over. But her romances continued. When she met Jim Namcheck, she was the mother of six.

White had a frontier mentality and sometimes told friends that she would have been more comfortable in the 19th century rather than the 20th.� She drove a pickup truck, raised livestock and vegetables, hunted, and homeschooled her kids.� White was extroverted, friendly, ruggedly and proudly independent, and generous to a fault. Societal norms, legal or moral, did not get much consideration.

Attracted to those she perceived as renegades such as herself, White rescued homeless children, the unemployed, and fugitives. Its hardly surprising that White got along quite well with the young and charming Jim Namcheck. He also shared �her love of hunting and the Idaho wilderness.

Boyce had a few close calls with the law.� Once, his car was pulled over by a group of six police officers.They asked to see his drivers license.

He did not have one with him.

Where are you going? an officer asked.

Im going to see -------, he coolly replied.� The name he mentioned was a close friend of the Bonners Ferrys sheriff.

Impressed by the young mans calm and easygoing demeanor, the cop said, OK. He waved on the most wanted fugitive in the U.S.

On another occasion, the fugitive spy was sitting in a restaurant called Connies enjoying an ordinary but nutritious breakfast of ham and an omelet.� A campaigning senator, Frank Church, walked into Connies.� Making his glad-handing way through the morning diners, Church came to Boyces table.� He held his hand out to the wanted man who shook it as the senator earnestly told the fugitive, I need your vote.

Boyce claimed later that the friendly, smiling senator ruined my breakfast.

Since Gloria White held little regard for the law, she did not blanch when Boyce told her he wanted to rob banks for some easy money. Boyce was not intimidated by bank robbery. After all, he had committed espionage.

White aided Boyce in this new pursuit by supplying him with theatrical make-up and sometimes applying it.

A female teller in 1980 looked up to see a bearded young man with a baseball cap atop his head.

Give me all your money, the stranger told her, or Ill blow your head off.

Stunned, she just stared at the man.

He showed her a gun and said, I have to get serious.� This is a robbery.� I have to get out of here. Frightened, the teller handed him many bills.

Thank you, he said politely as he exited.

Together with accomplices he met through White, Boyce perpetrated at least sixteen bank robberies.� He swore to one of the men who drove a getaway car that he would not be captured.� Either theyll kill me or Ill kill myself, he replied when asked what he would do if cornered by authorities.�

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