Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods



Bataille, Georges. 1965. The Trial of Gilles de Rais. Paris: Jean-Jaques Pauvert. Translated by Richard Robinson.

Benedetti, Jean. 1971. The Real Bluebeard: The Life of Gilles de Rais. New York: Stein & Day.

Lehman, Kathleen K. 1998. Reinterpreting the Life of Gilles de Rais. Website essay

Livesey, Alexander. 1987. Great Commanders and their Battles. New York: Macmillain.

Winwar, Frances. 1948. The Saint and the Devil: The story of Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Wolf, Leonard, Bluebeard: The Life and Crimes of Gilles de Rais. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Publishers, 1980.


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