Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods



TheDeseret News photography department

American Life League. "Pornography."

Anonymous. "Arthur Gary Bishop." at

"Child killer Bishop is executed." St. Petersburg Times, June 11, 1988.

"Child-killer is put to death in Utah." Houston Chronicle, June 10, 1988.

"Church Educational System of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."

"Court expedites child-killer's execution." Washington Post, May 3, 1988.

"How doomed greet death." Salt Lake Tribune, April 26, 1992.

"Mormon blood atonement."

Bryson, Amy. "Detective details Arthur Bishop." Deseret News, August 4, 1999.

Clifton, David. "'Thank you' pins awarded after prison

executions." Salt Lake Tribune, February 6, 1993.

Gillespie, L. Kay. The Unforgiven: Utah's Executed Men.

Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997.

Linedecker, Clifford. Thrill Killers. New York: Paperjacks, 1988. (Chapter 4, pp. 76-88)

Mims, Robert. "Bishop executed by injection." Associated

Press, June 10, 1988.

"Child killer abandons appeal, gets death date." Associated Press, May 6, 1988.

"Child killer studies religious materials, fasts." Associated Press, June 9, 1988.

Rogers, Jay. "Mass murder and pornography: Are the two

related?", September 1990.

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Slender Man stabbing, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Gilberto Valle 'Cannibal Cop'