Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Shawna Forde

Shawna Forde's Fate is Determined

On Tuesday, February 22, 2011, the jury decided the fate of Shawna Forde. After roughly four hours of deliberating, they deemed Forde's crimes worthy of the death penalty. Speaking to reporter Kim Smith of the Arizona Daily Star, juror Angie Thomas detailed the jury's exhaustive deliberations: "We considered every argument the prosecutors presented us with and every alternative and every derivative of every alternative." Forde's lead attorney Eric Larsen was disappointed to hear his client, who the State concedes never pulled the trigger was being sentenced to death nonetheless. "We're in the process of killing people who haven't killed people to teach people not to kill people," he lamented. Prosecutors declined to comment publicly since they had yet to try co-conspirators Jason Bush and Albert Gaxiola. By Arizona law, Forde's death penalty sentence will be automatically appealed. No date has been set for her execution.

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