The Murder of Christopher Marlowe
Bloom, Harold, editor. 1986. Christopher Marlowe: Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House.
Burgess, Anthony. 1993. A Dead Man in Deptford. Allen & Unwin.
Cowell, Stephanie. 1994. Nicholas Cooke, A Novel. Ballantine Books.
Garrett, George. 1990. Entered From the Sun. Doubleday.
Hoffman, Calvin. 1960. The Murder of the Man who was Shakespeare. Grosset & Dunlap.
Ingram, John H. 1904 (1970 reprint). Christopher Marlowe and His Associates. Cooper Square.
Nicholl, Charles. 1992. The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe. Harcourt Brace.
Ogburn, Charlton. 1984. The Mysterious William Shakespeare. Dodd, Mead.
Parks, Edd Winfield and Richmond Croom Beatty. 1935. The English Drama: An Anthology 900-1642. W.W. Norton.
Anderson, Kimberly. No date. Christopher Marlowe... Secret Agent? Kimberly Anderson Webpage.
Brandt, Bruce. 1995. Special Fiction Section: Six Faces of Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe Society Book Reviews.
Gage, Carolyn. 1997. Meeting the Ghost of Hamlet's Father. On the Issues.