Deadly Delivery: The Donald and Marsha Levine Murders
The Hit
Donald and Marsha Levine were anticipating the proudest moment of their lives. Within a few hours, their son Mark would be sworn in as a lawyer, and then he was off to a new job in Cincinnati. It was 8:45 a.m. on Nov. 9, 1989. Mark was packing his car for the five-hour drive from the family home in upscale Munster, In., a suburb of Chicago.

A blue Chevrolet Corsica pulled up to the home, and a man got out of the car with two packages. "Federal Express," the delivery person announced, handing Mark a receipt to sign on a clipboard. The pair walked to the front door with the packages. Mark opened the door.
Suddenly, the man pulled out a pistol and struck Mark on the back of his head with the weapon. The man then boldly strode into the house, confronting Marsha, 53, in the hallway. He shot her in the face and neck. Donald, 55, was in the bathroom, and the gunman shot him in the face and chest. While the attacks in the house were underway, a frantic Mark ran across the street to an elementary school to call police.
Marsha died en route to the hospital; Donald four hours later during surgery. He never regained consciousness. Mark, 24, had suffered a skull fracture and was hospitalized for three days. The senseless double murder rocked the tranquil community as police wondered about a motive. They wouldn't have far to look