Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Haunted Crime Scenes: Conrad Aiken House

The House Today

The current owner of the Aiken house is Dr. Jackson Morgan, who will spend the rest of the year remodeling the home before moving in with his wife.

A number of books by Conrad Aiken are kept by the current owners of the residence.
A number of books by Conrad Aiken are kept by the current owners of the residence.

"We've always had an eye on the house; it was a matter of timing," Dr. Morgan said. "When people heard we had bought the Conrad Aiken house, they started dropping by information about him, like old newspaper clippings from that time period."

Part of a handwritten poem by Conrad Aiken
Part of a handwritten poem by Conrad Aiken

Dr. Morgan said he hasn't seen any ghostly goings on at the house and thinks all of the history gives it charm.

Architectural designer John Deering of Green Line Architecture is doing the remodel of the 4,200-foot row house built in 1842. Deering specializes in old Savannah homes.

"This is a special house in Savannah it's an important piece of architecture," Deering said. "Just because two people were murdered here 100 years ago doesn't mean that someone couldn't enjoy this house today."

Deering heard from a previous owner that the home was likely haunted because unexplained incidents had happened. The owner didn't say what those incidents were.

"I think it would be exciting," Dr. Morgan said, of any potential haunting.

Dr. Morgan got that confirmation just a few hours later.

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