How John Goodman's High Life Came Crashing Down
Two Men with Little in Common
Published 04/04/2012
Updated 04/17/2012

John Goodman had always been rich. Born in Texas, the scion of a wealthy family whose air-conditioning empire which would one day be sold for $1.43 billion, Goodman enjoyed football and lacrosse in his childhood. But in 1989, Goodman reportedly took up polo — and soon became a devotee of the sport. In 1991, Goodman even founded his own professional polo team Isla Carroll — named after his wife Isla Carroll Goodman. Having spent millions on top players and ponies, Goodman established himself as a leading force in the polo community. He helped found the North American Polo League and opened the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida in 2003 (the town of Wellington, near West Palm Beach, has a long polo history). The club would soon host the prestigious U.S. Open polo championship, and attract teams with famous owners like actor Tommy Lee Jones. In 2008, the Goodmans divorced after 22 years of marriage. In their contentious divorce proceedings, Carroll complained of John's "history of substance abuse, namely cocaine use." A single man again, Goodman spent more and more time in Wellington, where he had bought a $6 million mansion on an 80-acre estate — ample room for himself and his horses.

Scott Wilson was just starting out in life, but showed great promise. "I was starting to see him being an adult," Lili Wilson said of her son, "taking on the responsibilities that an adult would take." Wilson's father William was an engineer, and had inspired Scott to follow in his footsteps. In May 2009, Wilson graduated from the University of Central Florida with a degree in mechanical engineering. In his youth, Wilson loved playing basketball and football, as well as competing in math and chess tournaments — he was popular and outgoing. Although he had yet to find a full-time job, he had saved enough to purchase a used Hyundai Sonata. In the early hours of Friday, February 12, 2010, Wilson was on his way from his apartment in Orlando to his boyhood home in Wellington for a quick trip to celebrate his sister Kristi's 19th birthday on Saturday before heading back to Orlando for a Sunday flag football game. He would not make it to either event.