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Nicaraguan Court Overturns Eric Volz Conviction

By David Lohr



On November 19, Eric's family posted a message from him to their website. It read in part:

"For those of you who have been closely following this story, I know long gaps between updates are frustrating, but know that it is for reasons of safety and delicacy of the situation. As I mentioned before, these updates are monitored, reviewed and reported by certain authorities here that have (and could further) complicate things. In addition, the penitentiary has recently put me under heavy surveillance, making it hard to write and actually get letters out.

"First off, at the moment I am not in prison, I am in the hospital. My body has taken quite a beating from the conditions I've been living in and the food I've been living on. Here is a summary of the illnesses I've experienced since being locked-up. I tested positive for Giardia and intestinal parasites... I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers by the prison doctor who put me on heavy meds. After two weeks, I wasn't feeling better, so a private specialist came to see me and discovered it wasn't ulcers but gastritis... I've had two bladder infections and frequent inflammation of the colon... They just found a kidney stone in my right kidney. I guess it's a small stone but if it becomes dislodged I'm screwed.

"I've had my 1st asthma attacks in 10 years. Tests have revealed damage to my small bronchioles most likely caused by the toxic smoke from cardboard and plastic cooking fires in the prison. The same smoke caused a sinus infection that evolved into walking pneumonia. I was sick for three months and still have not fully recovered my sense of smell...

"They have done their best to make the hospital as stressful and prison-like as possible. It's almost more pressure than in jail (great for healing, huh). My family didn't hear from me for the first 12 days. Now I'm allowed a 10-15 minute call once a week...

"The guards have orders to discourage the nurses from talking to me which has made them all nervous and basically scared to attend to me (who knows what they told them, but it's definitely affected their ability to give me the needed medical attention). They often don't even bring me my medicine because they are intimidated by the guard's AK-47...

"I want to thank all of those who have continued to show support in the many different ways you all do. As I have said before this is not my story. This is OUR STORY! Many people have been greatly affected and are emotionally invested in a way that has them in prison alongside me. Thank you all for the many prayers and ceremonies. They have been answered in ways I will never be able to describe... May each one of you be blessed with God's love, Free Eric V."

Eric Volz
Eric Volz

As of this writing Eric is allegedly being detained illegally. Requests made by Gomez and the US Embassy for Eric's immediate release have gone unanswered.

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