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Nicaraguan Court Overturns Eric Volz Conviction

By David Lohr



On March 3, Eric's family released the following statement:

"On Wednesday, February 21, Judge Ivette Toruno Blanco succumbed to the pressure of the media and the crowds outside the courtroom, and in the most cowardly act imaginable, ruled, in spite of overwhelming evidence proving Eric's undeniable innocence, to convict and sentence him for murder and rape — even though there was no evidence of rape and no forensic evidence placing Eric at the scene.

"Being in the courtroom for the sentencing and to hear the words, "30 years" read aloud, to be blinded by the flash of cameras in our faces and to hear the celebration of those in the room over Eric's sentence will remain the most gut-wrenching experience of our lives. It was and continues to be debilitating.

"This is the most egregious and outrageous travesty of justice. The details of the case, the blatant prejudice and discrimination against Eric from the very beginning and the total disregard for truth and evidence are detailed in a statement on the website - www.friendsofericvolz.com. Please read the statement to become familiar with this unbelievable travesty.

"During the trial, there was no stenographer; the proceedings were tape recorded. The judge continues to discriminate against Eric by not providing copies of the transcript tapes for Eric's attorneys to adequately prepare for the appeal, even though we paid for the tapes in advance..."

Eric's family has never wavered in their support, and they have taken their fight to the Internet. In addition to the website mentioned in their statement, his family has also launched a second website on MySpace.com to draw attention to his case.

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