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Pedophile Supporters Target Jack McClellan Detractors

By Tori Richards

October 15, 2007


SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (Crime Library) — When an attorney and a web master decided to take on pedophile web site guru Jack McClellan, they had no inkling of the amount of fodder — and sometimes ire — it would draw from the pedophile community.

"If I had to do it all over again, would I do it? The answer is no," said Santa Clarita attorney Anthony Zinnanti, who obtained a restraining order that ultimately ran McClellan out of California because it barred the self-admitted pedophile from being around young children throughout the state.

McClellan Website
McClellan Website

McClellan, 45, had been operating his web site in Seattle until May 24 when he arrived in California. "Seattle-Tacoma-Everett Girl Love," a pedophile how-to guide complete with tips on how to avoid arrest and places to view young girls suddenly had a new venue — the greater Los Angeles area in the summertime, a gold mine of young girls in shorts, bathing suits and tank tops. McClellan has steadfastly maintained that he has never been charged with any sexual assault crime and his pastime is harmless.

As McClellan's various arrests, court appearances and media interviews began mounting, so did the intensity of two separate camps: Zinnanti and anti-McClellan crusader Ron Tebo vs. the pedophile community fueled by dozens of web sites, many more hard-core than McClellan's. Tebo is the operator of www.JackMcClellan.com, a site that blasts McClellan while calling for public support to help stamp out pedophilia.

Both Anthony Zinnanti and Ron Tebo have become Public Enemy No. 1 on a host of pedophilia message boards that ridicule their efforts to curb a lifestyle fueled by an attraction to young boys and girls.

Attorneys Zinnanti and Patters
Attorneys Zinnanti and Patters

A blogger on one message board wrote regarding Zinnanti: "Oh, man... I *so* wish I could confront him face to face and have him try to "kick my ass". It would be the sweetest choice to either pound him into hamburger or let him hit me and throw the book at him for assault."

Another said: "Quietly trying to get our point of life across hasn't had much success so we are going to start fighting and hitting sometimes dirty just as what has been happening to us for the past several years. Two can fight this way and the antis have ben (sic) doing it to us for more than long enough. Now we will start to hit where it is going to hurt the most!"

While most of this is relegated to the internet, two detractors have stepped off the page and harassed Zinnanti and Tebo in the real world.

Next Page

Crusader Anthony Zinnanti Quits Efforts against Pedophile Jack McClellan Due to Threats

Police Eye McClellan in Unsolved Washington Murder

Jack McClellan Leaves California

 Jack McClellan Full Coverage & Breaking News


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