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Doomed Colorado Baby's Condition Shocked Doctor, Nurse

By Chuck Hustmyre



Haley, who was being held back from getting close enough to Alex and Molly Midyette to speak to them, tried to signal to Alex, but was again ignored. Finally, the exchange between Officer Haley and Alex's brother grew so heated that the officer radioed the Boulder police dispatcher and asked for backup.

He also asked the dispatcher to notify the Boulder Department of Social Services about the potential abuse situation.

Molly and Alex Midyette
Molly and Alex Midyette

When the Midyette's lawyer arrived in the emergency room, he reiterated his clients' position: Other than providing the officer with their names and address, they would answer no questions and make no statements about what had happened to their son.

Meanwhile, doctors at Boulder Community Hospital arranged for an ambulance to rush little Jason Midyette to Children's Hospital in Denver, 30 miles away. He needed emergency brain surgery.

As Jason's parents watched their son being loaded into an ambulance for the urgent run into Denver, they saw Officer Haley climb into the ambulance and take a seat beside him. The police officer's call to the Department of Social Services had resulted in that department issuing an emergency protective order regarding Jason. The county was taking temporary protective custody of him. His parents could stay with him, but they couldn't be alone with him. Not until somebody explained what had happened to him.

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