Dr. Thomas Neil Cream
The wonderful sources from which I was able to piece together the lurid biography of Dr. Cream and his times — in Canada, Chicago and England — include:
Ford, Colin, and Harrison, Brian; A Hundred Years Ago; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Geringer, Joseph; A Walk Through Late Victorian London; Unpublished Mss.
Jenner, Michael; London Heritage; London: Mermaid Books, 1991.
Lowe, David; Lost Chicago; New York: American Legacy Press, 1985.
McLaren, Angus; Prescription for Murder — The Victorian Serial Killings of Dr. Thomas Neill Cream; Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Porter, Roy; London — A Social History; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994.
Reader, W.J. and Peter Quennell (ed.); Life in Victorian England; NY: Capricorn
Books (in arrangement with B.T. Batsford, London), 1964.
Ryder, Stephen P. and Piper, John A. "Dr. Thomas Neill Cream" article in Casebook:
Jack the Ripper site (Internet), 2000.
Shore, W. Teignmouth (ed.) Trial of Neill Cream (Records of Dr. Thomas Neill Cream Trial); "Notable British Trial Series" London: William & Hodge & Co, Ltd., 1923.