Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Jeremy Bryan Jones

A Monster on the Loose

Jeremy Bryan Jones
Jeremy Bryan Jones

One of his former roommates believes Jones had it in for women. "He was always saying derogatory things about women, about putting them in their place, about smacking them down," she said. One of his favorite jokes was, "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothingyou done told the bitch twice."

People either loved him or were repelled by him, yet his self-image remained untarnished. "I'm a likeable guy," he said in a recent interview. "I'm the guy next door."

But a former roommate saw his darker side. "The monster came out when he was on meth." The monster seemed to be an increasingly larger part of his personality.

Book cover: Serial Killers, The Method and Madness of Monsters
Book cover: Serial Killers, The Method and Madness of Monsters

According to Peter Vronsky, in his book "Serial Killers, The Method and Madness of Monsters," serial killers, although often described as monsters, rarely appear to be creatures with blood dripping from their fangs or crazed psychopaths babbling satanic rituals. While a few are exactly like that, many appear at first glance to be healthy, normal, and even attractive people. And that is precisely the problem with a serial killer, a victim rarely gets beyond the first glance. Others are simply invisibly unmemorable and unnoticeable, until somebody notices them killing."

On Halloween in 2002, Jones went to Gipson's, a favorite bar in Douglasville, where a Halloween party was in full swing. Monsters other than those with plastic masks were apparently out that night, because at midnight, Tina Mayberry stumbled in from the parking lot, and then died from her stab wounds.


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