Lady of Blood: Countess Bathory
Finally, the crop of peasant girls had run out. Erzs�bet, ever daring, turned her blood thirst to lesser aristocrats. She had done so much thus far without being stopped, and like many serial killers after her, arrogance made her bold and stupid. She was eager to extend her reach for the thrill of seeing what she could get away with. She also appeared to be so caught up with the pleasures of what she was doing that she could not stop.�

Blood thirst, too, may lurk inside a person, even those we love, and we may never even spot it. It may smolder in the bosom which is most cherished by us, and we may be perfectly unconscious of its existence there. Perhaps circumstances will not cause its development; perhaps moral principle may have bound it down with fetters it can never break.
To replenish her diminishing stable, Erzs�bet offered to teach social graces to young women from noble families, and when they arrived at the castle she had her pick. After the murder of one of such young lady in 1609, which Erzs�bet tried to stage as a suicide, the authorities finally decided to act. This suspicious incident, coupled with the many other rumors over the years, required action. The king supported it, because Erzs�bet had been asking him to repay funds he had borrowed from her husband, and if the rumors proved true and she was arrested, he would be free of his debt. In other words, everyone would win...�except the lady in question.