Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods
Wrestling with the Law
Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy
Semi-retired pro wrestler Matt Hardy has been arrested three times in less than a month, most recently on drug related charges. On September 14, police from Moore County Sheriff's Office searched the 36-year-old's Cameron, NC., home and reportedly discovered 20 vials of anabolic steroids, a single dose of Ecstasy and $1,961 in cash. Hardy, who until 2001 wrestled in the tag team Hardy Boyz with his brother Jeff, was charged with possessing a controlled substance, possessing a controlled substance with intent to sell or deliver, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a dwelling for use of drugs.

On August 20, Hardy was arrested for DWI after allegedly crashing his 2009 Corvette into a tree. A field sobriety test did not detect alcohol, but police said Hardy appeared to be under the influence of something. The day before that arrest, Hardy was involved in another collision; according to reports, Hardy crashed a 2006 Cadillac into a guardrail, but was not charged. Just a week before Hardy's drug bust, he was arrested for DWI again, this time at Raleigh-Durham Airport after police received reports of his 2011 Camaro driving erratically.

After the August arrest, Hardy was fired from TNA wrestling, where he was already on probation. On September 19, Hardy announced that he would be checking himself into rehab for three months.

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