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New Orleans Sportscaster Charged in Wife's Death



The Times-Picayune New Orleans, Louisiana

"Woman shot in face in Old Metairie parking lot" by Michelle Hunter. September 1, 2006

"Radio host questioned in wife's killing" by Michelle Hunter. September 2, 2006

Obituary for Mary Elizabeth Norman Caruso. September 5, 2006

"Family dissects Marinello marriage" by Meghan Gordon. September 6, 2006

"Evidence sought in Marinello's home" (from staff reports). September 7, 2006

"Marinello booked in wife's murder" by Michelle Hunter and Paul Purpura. September 8, 2006

"Marinello still in jail, on suicide watch" by Michelle Hunter. September 9, 2006

"Charges confound friends of Marinello" by Kate Moran. September 10, 2006

"Last item on the checklist: Get caught" by James Gill. September 10, 2006

"Marinello posts bond, gets out of jail" (from staff reports). September 12, 2006

"Bond for Marinello is low, some say" by Michelle Hunter. September 13, 2006

"Expressions of sympathy appreciated" letter to the editor by Bertha Norman. September 15, 2006

"Lee fibs to reel in a murder suspect" by Drew Broach. September 18, 2006

"Marinello records reveal sketch" by Drew Broach. September 20, 2006

"Marinello case goes to DA's office" by Michelle Hunter. October 12, 2006

"Marinello says murder case won't be tried in the media" by Paul Purpura. October 24, 2006

"Marinello attorney is off the case" (from staff reports). November 30, 2006

"Marinello indicted in his wife's death" by Paul Purpura and Michelle Hunter. December 8, 2006

"Marinello pleads innocent in killing" by Paul Purpura. December 9, 2006

"No One Immune To Jeff Crime Wave" by Andrea Shaw. December 11, 2006

"Marinello is free on bond" (from staff reports). December 24, 2006

"Marinello put under house arrest" by Paul Purpura. December 28, 2006

"Marinello visits court for hearing" by Paul Purpura. February 16, 2007

"Marinello gets leeway on seeking new trial site" by Paul Purpura. April 13, 2007

"Marinello attorneys want DA's office off case" by Paul Purpura. May 16, 2007

"Feds raid gun shop they link to violence" by Michelle Hunter. May 17, 2007

"Raided gun shop a 'bottomless pit" by Michelle Hunter. May 18, 2007

"Marinello defense to push for DA recusal" by Michelle Hunter. June 16, 2007

Other Sources

Web sites "Slain Wife of La. Radio Host Targeted" September 7, 2006

"Ex-Talk Show Host Indicted in Wife's Death" by Associated Press. December 8, 2006

CNN News transcripts "Sportscaster in New Orleans Suspected of Murdering Wife" by Susan Roesgen. Aired December 9, 2006

"Profiles in Stupid" by Emil Steiner. December 20, 2006

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