Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

The Ninja Murder Case


Soon after their respective husbands were convicted, the Woodman wives filed for divorce, Dixon said. "I don't know what happened to them, they just kind of disappeared." But Stewart has remained close to his children even though he is in a federal prison in the witness protection program because he testified against Homick in his federal conspiracy case.

Dixon has been to several parole hearings for the brothers and has seen a marked contrast in the two. Stewart is contrite and begs for mercy; Dixon has recommended release because of his testimony. Neil angrily maintains his innocence and blames his brother. Neither man has been granted parole.

"Gerald was a gruff guy, but not as bad as the two sons made him out to be," Dixon said. "He wouldn't let the brothers go to college, but come right out of high school and work for him. There was no retirement. No vacation. He was very critical of Neil and his abilities, but I honestly believe they were equally culpable."

Dixon stopped and thought for a minute. "Steve Homick was a pretty dumb guy," he added. "He should have at least taken something to make this look like a robbery. The fact that he didn't made this look like a hit, and as a result it was assigned to Jack Holder. That was Homick's greatest misfortune."


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