The Story of Colin and JoAnn Thatcher
A Marriage Gone Wrong

JoAnn began her drive toward her large, white home with brown trim located on
Someone yanked her from behind by the collar of her fur coat and swung her off balance. She was then grabbed by her throat and repeatedly stabbed with a cleaver-like object in her head. JoAnn fell to her knees and threw her gloved hands up to deflect the blows. However, the sharp instrument found its way around her hands, at times even penetrating them and driving into her scalp.
Some of the blows were forceful enough to pierce the bone of her skull. The powerful impact of the knife also fractured bones in JoAnns forearm and fingers and caused partial severing of the little finger on her left hand. Blood splattered throughout the garage. During the attack her shrill screams sliced through the air and mixed with the sickening sound of the deadly blows.
Thirty-eight-year-old Craig Dotson was walking nearby through the deserted snow-covered streets when he heard what he believed to be a distressed child screaming. He walked toward JoAnn Wilsons garage.
Suddenly the persistent cries and screaming were silenced by the sound of a loud cracking noise. Dotson was not aware that the cracking sound had come from a gun. As he approached the lane beside the
Dotson caught only a glimpse of the man before he turned his attention toward the inside of the garage from where the strange man had previously emerged. What he saw shocked him. JoAnns body lay in a pool of blood on the cold concrete floor. Dotson ran back to toward the lane looking for the man he had seen moments earlier, but the man had disappeared into the dusk.
Panicked, Dotson quickly ran across
Tony, barefoot and wearing only a bathrobe, went to the garage with Dotson where he saw his wife lying dead in a pool of blood. For a brief moment he knelt beside his wifes body before springing up and running back to the house to call the police. Tony then went back to the garage and knelt again beside his wife to await their arrival. Just three weeks earlier he and his wife had celebrated their second wedding anniversary.
Tony knew who was responsible for his wifes death. Throughout their short marriage the two had endured continuous harassment from JoAnns ex-husband Colin Thatcher. A lengthy and violent custody battle between JoAnn and Colin over the children and financial matters had finally reached its deadly peak. No longer would JoAnn have to live in fear for her life as she had following her divorce from Colin three years earlier. Her worst fears had already become a reality.��