Murder, Mayhem, and the Spirits of the Dead

Reportedly, there have been many murders committed within the walls of The Pirates' House, something not hard to believe, given the nature of the cutthroat business that went on inside them.

Not surprisingly, over the years, many ghosts have also been spotted wandering its hallways and dark passages.

chapter continues

Looking up the Back Stairs
Looking up the Back Stairs

Today, The Pirates' House is a popular restaurant and tourist attraction that capitalizes on its blood-soaked history, but that doesn't mean that all the ghost stories are fairy tales.

Miss Bonnie
Miss Bonnie

Bonnie Valandingham has worked at The Pirates' House for 38 years and during that time she has seen some very strange things. One night while she was closing up, she felt a cold chill run down here spine. Minutes later, she encountered the figure of a man in one of the restaurant's four hideaway dining rooms. Dressed in old-fashioned clothes, the man sat in a corner smoking a pipe. Sensing danger, Ms. Bonnie fled from the room, but when other employees checked the hideaway, they found no one there.

Earl Baumgardner
Earl Baumgardner

Earl Bumgardner, a former manager who now works as a maitre d', has also encountered ghosts during his 32 years at The Pirates' House.

Jessica Rize
Jessica Rize

According to Assistant Manager Jessica Rize, several years ago, when a long-time cook stepped into one of the air-conditioned banquet rooms to cool off from the heat of the kitchen, he saw the figure of a man dressed in old-style clothing cross the room and walk straight through a wall. The cook has worn a Crucifix around his neck every day since his encounter.

Rear Room

Crime Library Video: The Cook's Ghost

Crime Library Video: Earl Baumgardner

Crime Library Video: Miss Bonnie

1. The Pirates' House Restaurant

2. A Pirate's Life

3. Shanghaied in Savannah

4. Murder, Mayhem, and the Spirits of the Dead

5. Real or Imagined?

6. The Author

- Return to Haunted Savannah

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Jean Lafitte: Gentleman Pirate of New Orleans
Grace O'Malley the pirate queen of Connemara

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