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New $100,000 reward added to Tara Grinstead Case

by Seamus McGraw

Marcus Harper
Marcus Harper


OCILLA, GA (Crime Library)  

In the months since, however, investigators have interviewed scores of people, including her former boyfriend, Marcus Harper, as well others who may have had close relationships with Tara before her disappearance, but so far, they have come up with few leads. They have also been flooded with tips including several from people who claimed to have seen Tara in a variety of far flung locations but those too have failed to shed any significant light on her fate.

Meanwhile, Tara 's friends and family's have been doggedly searching for her. Last week, Beth Twitty, the grieving Alabama woman whose teenage daughter Natalee Holloway vanished more than six months ago in Aruba, traveled to Ocilla to support the search for Tara conducted by Texas Equusearch, a high-tech search and rescue operation which has received international attention for its unique methods.


The claimant for the new $100,000 reward will provide specific information about the circumstances surrounding Tara's disappearance. That information does not have to include Tara's present whereabouts but must indicate the person or person's responsible. Anyone having information about the individual(s) responsible for Tara's disappearance should contact 229-468-7459 and speak to one of the following law enforcement officials:
Sheriff Donnie Youghn
Captain Nelson Paulk
Deputy Allen Morgan
If one of the above named officials is not in when you call, please tell the dispatcher that you are calling about Tara and the dispatcher will contact him for you.

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Texas EquuSearch Brings Special Technology to Grinstead Case

Beth Twitty To Join Hunt for Tara Grinstead

Tara Sightings & New Timing Questions

New Search Planned for Tara Grinstead

Tara's Family, Friends Hoping for a Miracle

Beauty Queen & Teacher Tara Grinstead Goes Missing

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