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Taylors possessions removed from Richmond. Reward announced.

Full Taylor Behl news coverage

By Marilyn Bardsley


George Peterson removing Taylor's possessions
George Peterson removing Taylor's possessions
Richmond, Va. (CRIME LIBRARY)  September 21, 2005 was very poignant day in the story of Taylor Behl.

In the afternoon attorney George Peterson parked his SUV in front of Taylor Behl's Virginia Commonwealth University dormitory on Main Street and carried out all of her possessions in black trash bags, which had been packed up by Taylor's uncle. It was a sad final moment in the 17-year-old's short experience as a college freshman as her teddy bear was placed along side her books, computer and other belongings.

Taylor's teddy bear
Taylor's teddy bear

Between his trips into the dorm to collect Taylor's possessions, Peterson explained to the assembled reporters that an $11,000 reward was being offered for information that would result in finding Taylor. The reward process was being managed by the CPA firm of Johnson & Scarborough, Vienna, Virginia.

He also announced that Janet Pelasara had decided that when Taylor comes home she is not returning to VCU. Pelasara believes that the VCU police held on to the case too long before bringing in the Richmond police. Taylor disappeared on September 5 and the Richmond police, who are far more experienced in criminal investigations than the university police, did not take over until Sept 12.

Dr. Reuban Rodriguez
Dr. Reuban Rodriguez

Dr. Reuban Rodriguez, VCU Assistant Vice Provost, defended the University Police handling of the case as "excellentWe did everything that was available to us."

Marilyn Bardsley
Marilyn Bardsley
Contact Marilyn Bardsley at 912.704.3249 or



See our full list of information on Taylor Behl - Ben Fawley

See Crime Library's background information on Taylor Behl case

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