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Pretty foster home administrator Lynn Moran vanishes from Portland, ME

Dedicated dancer turned children's advocated disappears after wandering out shoeless from acquaintance's home.

By Dan Riehl


Portland, ME — (Crime Library)

Described as a "striking head-turner", five-foot two inch, brown-haired blue-eyed dancer Lynn Moran was last seen on Market Street in the old port area of Portland before all 100 pounds of her seemed to simply vanish. She was wearing blue jeans and a tan plaid shirt when she entered a local record store before disappearing into a cold and rainy Maine October night.

Lynn Moran
Lynn Moran

Up from Shrewsbury, Mass. to visit family, Moran was seen earlier that night drinking at a bar called Gritty McDuff's. It appears she remained behind after a friend left, ending up later at the apartment of a male acquaintance. Reportedly, she left his apartment without her purse, cell phone, or shoes on Oct. 10, never returned to her vehicle and was last seen walking in old port approximately an hour or two later, as stated above.

According to police, the male acquaintance has been questioned several times and is co-operating. He is said to have alerted the family that she might be missing when returning the items she left behind. Police have also questioned several other individuals believed to have had some contact with Moran on the evening of her disappearance.

"Someone has to have seen her. People don't just disappear ... She turned heads before she was missing," said one sister, Chris Moran, when speaking with CBS News.

Aged 24, Moran gave up dancing to work with foster children as the Assistant Director of two children's homes, according to a brother, John. "She's just the best sister that anyone could ask for ..." He also spoke of lying in bed at night searching his heart and mind for some sign or feeling of where his slight young sister might be. "I don't feel anything," he said. "It's bizarre," said Elizabeth, another sibling.

Smart, funny and dedicated to her job, everyone agrees it would be uncharacteristic for Lynn Moran to have simply disappeared on her own. Police have not ruled out foul play.

"Given the circumstances of this one, where it's been so long and it's so out of character for Lynn — given how she was dressed and the fact she didn't have a purse, vehicle or cell phone — all of these factors raise our level of concern," said Lt. Vern Malloch.

Dan Riehl can be reached at:
Dan Riehl
Dan Riehl

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