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Authorities Mum on Probe into Baby Jason Midyette's Death

By  Seamus McGraw



And end in sight? Maybe, but when?

It has now been six weeks since the autopsy report was released, and in that time, the media's attention has largely shifted away from the case. Whatever new details might have been uncovered, whatever evidence has been collected, remains shielded from public scrutiny.

As far as any one outside of the Boulder DA's office and the Louisville police know, the case has not yet been presented to a grand jury, and that has left some veteran law enforcement officials not directly involved in the case scratching their heads. As one experienced cop whose name is being withheld by Crime Library and who has ties to the agencies involved put it, it is unlikely that the DA is holding back because of fear in the aftermath of the recent Karr debacle, nor is it probable that the authorities are being unusually circumspect because of the social status of the Midyette family. "I don't know why it hasn't gone to a grand jury," the veteran said.

Louisville, CO Police Department
Louisville, CO Police Department

Police and prosecutors insist that they are working vigorously to bring the case to a close. As Commander Bill Kingston of the Louisville police put it in a recent interview with Crime Library, "there is an end in sight," but whether the case ends in prosecution and when that resolution might come, Kingston refused to say.

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