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Jason Midyette Slaying Puts Parents in Spotlight

By Steve Huff



Molly was a graduate of Denver High, the University of Colorado and the Michigan State University College of Law. Alex, according to the Boulder paper, was a graduate of the Quest Academy in Boulder, then attended Mesa Community College and Cabrillo Community College, the latter a school in Santa Cruz, CA. The bride-to-be worked at Sierra Companies in Boulder and Alex Midyette worked for Pearl Street Mall Properties, the company owned by his father.

The couple was married less than a month later, on August 6th, in the garden of the elder Midyette's home in Boulder. The wedding announcement published in the Daily Camera later in September was worded so that it appeared that J. Midyette performed the ceremony, stating that the couple had been married "by the groom's father."

If the announcement of the wedding was any indication, it was no thrown-together affair, either. Molly Midyette had 5 attendants, Alex 6, ring bearers and flower girls, to boot. The wedding announcement then stated that the couple spent their honeymoon in Ixtapa, Mexico.

Just over 4 months later, on December 17, 2005, Jason Jay Midyette was born prematurely to Molly and Alex in the same hospital that would see him removed from life support just over 10 weeks later.

Nurse Elaine Rottinghouse told police, according the Rocky Mountain News, that 10-week-old infant Jason Jay Midyette's condition was among the worst she'd seen in 27 years of working in the ER. When the baby's parents first brought him into the Boulder Community Hospital ER in late February, Nurse Rottinghouse was on the phone with authorities immediately, telling Louisville, Colorado (CO) police that they needed to get to the hospital "ASAP."

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Steve Huff can be reached at mailto:steve.huff@gmail.com

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