Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Eddie Cudahy and Pat Crowe

Scribes Find Hideout

When debriefed about the abduction, young Cudahy told police that the kidnappers drove the buggy in circles for an hour before finally leading him blindfolded up a set of rickety stairs. He said he caught two or three whiffs from the packing house district and knew that he was in South Omaha.

Buggy, similar to the one used for the kidnapping
Buggy, similar to the one used for the kidnapping

He said he was held with his legs chained but hands free in a room empty except for a single chair and a gasoline stove. Through his blindfold, Cudahy could see that the windows were covered with newspapers.

They fed him crackers, coffee and cigarettes and treated him pretty well, Cudahy said.

One kidnapper had a deep brogue and reeked of booze, and the second disappeared for a long while, apparently while retrieving the ransom.

When the second kidnapper returned, Cudahy was again led blindfolded to the buggy and driven around for a time before being released about a mile from his house. He walked home.

Cops leaked a few of these details to reporters, and crime scribes Eugene Mayfield and E.H. Henning of the World-Herald set out for South Omaha to look for the hideout.

Throwing more egg on the face of Chief Donahues force, the reporters found it before the cops did.

Little more than a shack, the house was located at 3604 Grover St. The reporters learned that the house, owned by James Schneiderwind, had been rented two weeks before to a man who used the name James L. Conner. He paid $6 for one months rent.

Embarrassed, police threatened to arrest the reporters. But Cudahy Jr. and Sr. hurried to the house.

There is no question about it, Eddie said. I am sure this is the place.

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