Criminal Profiling: Part 1 History and Method
Brussel, James. Casebook of a Crime Psychiatrist.
Citizen X, HBO Home Video, 2000.
Cullen, Robert. The Killer Department: Detective Viktor Burakovs Eight-Year Hunt for the Most Savage Serial Killer in Russian History.
DeNevi, Don and John H. Campbell. Into the Minds of madmen: How the FBI Behavioral Science Unit Revolutionized Crime Investigation.
Douglas, John, and Mark Olshaker. Mindhunter: Inside the FBI
������������--Journey into Darkness.
����������� --Anatomy of Motive.
����������� --The Cases that Haunt Us,
Douglas, John, Ann W. Burgess, Allen G. Burgess, and Robert K. Ressler. Crime� Classification Manual.
Douglas, John E. and Corinne Munn. Modus Operandi and the Signature Aspects of Violent Crime, Crime Classification Manual,
Godwin, Maurice, Hunting Serial Predators,
Holmes, Ronald M. and Stephen T. Holmes. Profiling Violent Crimes. 3rd Edition.
Holmes, Ronald, and D. Kim Rossmo, "Geography, Profiling, and Predatory Criminals,"�in R. Holmes & S. Holmes, Profiling Violent Crimes.
Innes, Brian. Profile of a Criminal Mind.
James, Stuart H. and Jon J. Nordby, Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and� Investigative Techniques.
Jeffers, H. Paul. Who Killed Precious?
Keppel, Robert D. "Investigation of the Serial Offender: Linking Cases through Modus Operandi and Signature," in Serial Offenders: Current Thoughts, Recent Findings, edited by Louis B. Schlesinger,
������������� ---The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations. With William J. Birnes. San
Lourie, Richard. Hunting the Devil: The Pursuit, Capture and Confession of the Most Savage Serial Killer in History.
McCrary, Gregg, with Katherine Ramsland. The Unknown Darkness: Profiling the� Predators Among Us. NY: Morrow, 2003.
�������������--Are Criminal profiles a reliable way to find serial killers? Congressional Quarterly,
Michaud, Stephen G. and Roy Hazelwood, The Evil that Men Do.
������������� ---Dark Dreams.
Nordby, Jon. Dead Reckoning: The Art of Forensic Detection.
Ressler, Robert. K. I have Lived in the Monster.
������������---Whoever Fights Monsters.
Rossmo, D. K. "Geographic Profiling," in Offender Profiling: Theory, Practice and� Research, edited by Janet L. Jackson and Debra Bekerian.
Rumbelow, Donald. Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook.
Sauer, Mark. Blood Evidence didnt Convince Lone Holdout, Union-Tribute,
Vorpagel, Russell. Profiles in Murder.
Winerman, Lea. Criminal Profiling: The Reality Behind the Myth. APA Publication, 2004.
Personal interviews by the author with John Douglas, Robert K. Ressler, Roy Hazelwood, and Gregg Mccrary.