Truth vs. Fiction

On May 18, Myriam and Aurélie Grenon made astonishing confessions. A BBC News article titled France Child Case in Disarray reported that both women admitted to lying on the stand when they implicated 13 of the defendants. According to the article, Myriam said, "I'm sick, I'm a liar, I lied about everything." An International Herald Tribune article by Craig Smith reported that Aurélie admitted she falsely accused the other defendants because Myriam instructed her to name them.

The two women claimed that they, David Delplanque and Theirry were the only ones responsible for the rapes. Moreover, Agence France-Presse reported on May 19 that Myriam claimed they raped only six of the 18 children involved in the case, including their own and two of David's children from a previous marriage. BBC News wrote that Aurélie and David were actually involved in the rapes for a four-month period during 1998.

Smith suggested that the confessions caused a near collapse of the pedophile case that had already shattered so many lives. Most of those accused, aged 24 and 67, had lost their livelihood, custody of their children and homes and one even his life when he committed suicide due to the severity of the allegations. Smith quoted defendant Odile Marecaux as saying, "I will have to rebuild everything I have lost. The months in prison, my life ruined I will never be able to erase that."

Despite Myriam and Aurélie's confessions, the trial continued and only one of the defendants was actually exonerated and released. A May 22 article reported the remaining defendants cleared by the confessions would be held until the court could prove their innocence. The article further stated that the decision to keep the defendants imprisoned angered their families who "interrupted the hearing, screaming, 'Scandal! Justice for the rich! Shame!' and 'Rotten!'"

As the trial continued into its seventh week, the court heard the testimonies of some of the 18 children. Many of those who courageously testified had difficulty remembering the details of the rapes or who was actually involved. It was believed that many were just too young at the time of the event to recall the details or just too traumatized to talk about what happened to them. Lawyers arguing for the defense questioned the credibility of the children's testimonies. However, child psychologists who interviewed the victims claimed that although some of their recollections were limited, most were certainly reliable. Yet, their testimony did not provide enough evidence to hold all of the defendants implicated in abusing them.

1. Part I
Outreau's Pedophile Ring Arrests

2. Courthouse Confusion

3. Truth vs. Fiction

4. Judgment

5. Part II
Michel Fourniret - Serial Killer

6. Unraveling Fourniret

7. Searching

8. Bibliography

9. The Author

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