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Melinda Loveless Seeks Early Release in Shanda Sharer Case

By David Lohr



In 2000, 24-year-old Toni Lawrence walked out of prison after serving nearly nine years of her 20-year sentence. Six years later, Hope Rippey was released after serving 13 years of a reduced sentence. Now Melinda Loveless wants to do the same thing.

Shanda's mother, Jacque Vaught, is upset at the prospect of Loveless being freed from prison.

"She is not remorseful. She has never contacted me or shown remorse. She is not capable of remorse. She is dead inside," Vaught said in a recent interview with Madisoncourier.com. "The only tears that I've ever seen her shed were when she was sentenced, and the only thing that she has tried to do since going to prison is get out."

Melinda Loveless
Melinda Loveless

According to Jefferson County Prosecutor Chad Lewis, Loveless had adequate legal representation during her sentencing hearing, and he is going to strongly object to a modification of her sentence.

The details of this case are both sickening and unforgettable. The sentences were not nearly harsh enough for the crimes. The horrors Shanda endured were unimaginable, and for that, none of these women should have ever been allowed to walk free. Regardless, what's done is done. Now all we can do is hope the judicial system will uphold the original ruling.

A Jefferson Circuit Court is expected to hear the case on October 15.

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Let your voice be heard and show the courts you are opposed to Loveless being granted an early release.  Sign the justice for Shanda petition at:

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Death of Innocence - The Murder of Young Shanda Sharer

Contact David Lohr  at           crimewriter74@adelphia.net

David Lohr

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