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I have received a tremendous amount of email in regards to this story.  Below you will find examples on the types of things people are saying about it.  For reasons of privacy their names and contact information has been removed.



"I am an African American Woman.  Like you the race of these people is unimportant to me also.  The people who did this grotesque and unhumanly thing to Christopher and Channon should be tortured and bound hugh upon a tree until they beg for someone to ease the pain by death.  This is ridiculous and i commend you for bringing this and so many other cases out that need to be released that people just don't realize what is going on.  Our world is so full of what the celebrity and politicians are doing, that the media doesn't want to waste time on people who are not famous and wealthy. Thank you, my heart goes out to thier entire family."  


"I have read a lot of the stories that you have covered and I have seen a lot of crime on T.V. as well as read many stories. I am a huge fan of Crime Library, but this story has hurt me so bad that Faces Of Death seems pleasant compared to this.  I want to send my support to their family and I feel that this crime should be heard from all around the world.  I am sick of hearing the race card shit being played, these were two people who did not need to die, race or not this is disturbing and only goes to show how society is not a society any more, we have become immune to stories such as this and sympathy never falls far from our mouths.  God Bless these two and what they have gone through as their final hours approached.  We need to change some many of our laws and if we do not then shame on the America for we will then deserve everything we get.  The individuals of this crime will never ever get a percentage of pain that these two innocent people experienced.  Proud to be an American should flow from my mouth with pride, but these days as I see what America is becoming does not make me feel very proud and we all should be ashamed.  Please follow this story through to the end so that this couple can get their story heard.  Thank you for going out there and making all of us aware of our surroundings."


"That is so sad. I can't believe that people will do things like that to each other. I keep up to date on the Crime Library and I tell you this is truly shocking to me. You try to understand in some small way why people do the things they do. But this is just horrific. There is no mental instability or fear or something like that.  I just can't believe this.  Poor kids.  It makes me want to move back to Alaska when I read stories like this.  I live in Louisiana and that is just too close to home. It could happen to anyone now a days you know.  Thank you for writing this story. It makes me sad, but more aware of safety issues. I pray for the families. I couldn't imagine one of my children dyeing this way."


"First and foremost as much violence that is written on your website is heinous, I look at the website everyday and just reflect on your journalism.  You always write a personal take on the situation and that always makes the reader draw more to the story. Today, I am writing you to talk about your most recent article about the two beautiful college students whom were highjacked and killed.  You mentioned race in the article and I for one being a African American believe just like you that race has no place in murder. At the end of the day, these two wonderful people will not get to get married, have children, spend Christmas with their families or go off and discover a cure for cancer, stop genocide or do something marvelous to the world. The sick and ignorant individuals that caused these two young people pain should get a life sentence or the death penalty. The rape I know should have traumatized that young couple enough but to cut body parts off is beyond comprehension.  If you come onto contact with the family please tell them how truly sorry I am for their loss."


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