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Eric Volz Wrongfully Convicted For His Ex-girlfriend's Murder

By David Lohr



"In closing, I would like to ask that people send positive thoughts and prayers to DORIS, her family, my family, the defense team in Nicaragua, safety in prison, and lastly, the gatekeeper who will be overseeing my appeal.

With much love,


Eric under the blue sky after a climb
Eric under the blue sky after a climb

Eric is currently housed in El Modelo, a maximum-security penitentiary east of Managua.  If you are interested in helping Eric, you can contact your state senator or Congressman and ask that they get involved with his appeal process.  For more information or to write Eric in prison, visit www.friendsofericvolz.com.

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Contact  David Lohr at           crimewriter74@hughes.net

David Lohr

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