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Virginia Tech Shooting Calls Decisions by Authorities into Question

By David Lohr

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April 17, 2007

BLACKSBURG, Va. —The number of victims in the Virginia Tech shooting continued to rise yesterday.  Initial reports suggested that only one student had been killed.  Within 10 minutes that number had jumped to 20, and by the end of the night authorities said that 33 people, including the gunman, were dead.  As of this writing, at least 15 others remain injured, some critical.

The details of what happened remain sketchy.  At about 7:15 a.m., the Virginia Tech Police Department received a 911 call about a shooting on the 4th floor of the West Ambler Johnston dormitory.  When police arrived on the scene, they found a man and a woman had been shot dead, and two others were wounded.  Witnesses described the gunman as a white male.

Virginia Tech Campus
Virginia Tech Campus

University officials treated the first shooting as an isolated incident, and classes began as scheduled.  At 9:26 a.m., students received an email from school administration notifying them of the shooting. 

"Subject: Shooting on campus.

"A shooting incident occurred at West Amber Johnston earlier this morning.  Police are on the scene and are investigating.

"The university community is urged to be cautious and are asked to contact Virginia Tech Police if you observe anything suspicious or with information on the case.  Contact Virginia Tech Police at 231-6411

"Stay attuned [sic] to  We will post as soon as we have more information."

Three minutes later, police receive a second 911 call notifying them that a gunman was shooting students in the Norris Hall engineering building.

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