By David Lohr
"I was pretty alarmed at the guy being around," Sweeney told The AP. "He's just one of these very scary people. I'm certainly not surprised at the apparent result."
For his crime, Delling was sentenced to 80 hours of community service. Nonetheless, this did not slow him down because he was arrested again before the end of the year for misdemeanor battery. According to police reports, Delling attempted to run down a 13-year-old boy with a motorcycle. He was sentenced to two months in jail and one-year probation and ordered to undergo anger-management counseling. Apparently the sessions were unsuccessful.
Delling's brother, Eric Delling, made some strange comments to Moscow police office Tyson Berrett following his brother's arrest. Eric said his brother had been acting strangely during a recent visit to his parent's home and that at one point, he asked, "'Do you think David is the one stealing my powers?'" Berrett wrote in a sworn statement, adding, "Eric said that wasn't the first time John commented on someone stealing his power or aura."
Last week, authorities seized two computers from Delling's parents' home. According to clinical psychologist, Dr. Paul Domitor, Delling had left a strange message on an Internet message board this past August.
Subject: Demon possession
Posted By: John Delling
The last thing I remember was that saying GOD gave me strength and power. SO I am hoping to get some answers, People [sic]/demons have done things to me that have lead me to where I have no Human emotions or memories. I feel very weak and can't think feel or remember, I believe that I have died. There is a repetitive theme in my mind that I saw the future and people will wipe my mind and wake me hours later, NOT JOKING PLEASE LISTEN, If I wear a yellow shirt. I have been attacked and abused, discriminated against by many people for no apparent reason, there was a weird event about poeple [sic] putting jew [sic] and nazi memories in my mind and then this guy named sweeney [sic] which is the name of a person who dropped one of the bombs on the second plane, I guess he may be a relative, put a whole lot of the yellow spinning energy into my solar plexus and then I was sacrificed by possibly a vampire cult as the Sun King or something like that.
THis [sic] sounds crazy but please tell me haw I can feel and remember things again. Like [sic] short term memory especially Thank you.
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