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Investigators Hunt for Two Men in Alabama Church Fires

By  Chuck Hustmyre



Sean Hoots, a member of Old Union Baptist Church in Brierfield, which was damaged by fire Friday, said fellow church member Alvin Lawley was the first to arrive at the church after the fire started.   Hoots said Lawley reported seeing a dark Nissan Pathfinder creeping past the front of the church when he arrived.  According to Hoots, Lawley chased the Pathfinder briefly but lost it when it sped away. 

Hoots also said that friends from a nearby church that was not burned reported seeing a ark SUV—possibly a Pathfinder—lurking in their church parking lot early Friday morning.

Additional evidence indicating that the same perpetrators set all of the fires is the similarity in the method of entry and the location where the fires were started, investigators said Wednesday.  At several of the churches, the door had been kicked open and multiple fires were set inside the sanctuary at or near the pulpit.

Pleasant Sabine Baptist Church was completely destroyed by fire
Pleasant Sabine Baptist Church was completely destroyed by fire

And that leaves investigators wondering about a possible motive. Noting that the perpetrators passed up valuable property, including musical instruments and electronic equipment, ATF's Austin Banks said.  Burglary or theft does not appear to be the motive, Banks said, adding, "It seems like a direct attack on the churches."

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